Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How to Look For an Imbalance in the Four Humors

In medieval times there were supposed to be four humors each of them had several characteristics. The humors are black bile, yellow bile, phlegm, and blood. Each of these were different from one another and doctors or physicians would know which humor they were checking by the characteristics listed in the paragraph above. Usually the doctors would check humors by looking at your waste, if it was wet dry hot or cold. (Disgusting!!!) Then if an imbalance had too many symptoms or was too big for the physician he would send his patients to herbalists to prescribe medications for the symptoms that they had. Some examples of symptoms they would prescribe medicines for are: fever, nasia, stomach ache, head ache, and many more.
 The medications the herbalists would prescribe would increase or decrease some humors and make them feel better. Many diseases had fevers with them so the physicians would let blood to try to cure the fever. For a fever they would also use leeches to suck blood out of the patient. The weirdest one I think is with small pox; the physicians would wrap a red bandage around pustules. They thought that sense pustules were wet and cold a red bandage witch was dry and hot would cure them of the pustules.

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