Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Who Do I Go To???

The people in medieval times would often go to many types of doctors. These doctors were surgeons, physicians, barbers, leeches and the healers. The wealthier people would go to physicians and surgeons who often times went to school for up to five years. The surgeon was supposed to be one step lower than the physician, they would set bones do c sections and basically anything bloody.

Then there were barbers who the poor would go to sense they didn't have enough money. The barbers did not go to school but knew some of the things physicians did. Below the barbers were leeches who were for people who were even more poor than the people who went to the barbers. Then finally there were the healers who would use magic and herbs for their patients. The healers were usually found in rural areas with far less population.

1 comment:

  1. So the leeches were the doctors below the barbers, did they have any experiance with being a doctor?
