Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Who were the people you would go to if you were very poor and sick, and how much schooling did they have?


  1. If you were sick in the medieval times and super poor, you would go see a leech who had no schooling at all. Barbers were doctors for poor people who still had a little bit of money left. Barbers however, did not get any schooling either. If you lived in a small rural area, you would usually go see a healer who made herbs and used magic to cure people. These healers got only a small amount of schooling or possibly none. Lastly, wealthy people go see surgeons and physician when they got sick. Surgeons and physicians both went to school for about five years.

  2. The leeches, and they had no schooling.

  3. If you were sick you would go to a surgeon, doctor, or physician. They went to school for up to five years!
